

Nutrition Labeling – Alcohol Beverages

On June 25, 2013, in Education, Food Manufacturers, by admin

As of May 2013, producers of alcohol beverages can now choose to place nutrition labels on their products. The Treasury Department (which regulates alcohol) had previously not allowed such labels. Rules proposed in 2007 would have made such labels mandatory, but were never finalized. The current decision is a temporary step while the Alcohol and […]


Gluten-Free Labeling – One Step Closer

On March 21, 2013, in Education, Food Manufacturers, Uncategorized, by admin

According to federal records, the long awaited gluten-free labeling rules are one step closer to being finalized. On February 25, 2013, the rules defining which foods can be labeled “gluten-free” arrived at the White House for final review. Worked on by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), this legislation is now in the hands of […]


‘Natural’ Food Label Dilemma

On November 17, 2011, in Education, Food Manufacturers, Restaurants, by admin

A ‘natural’ product is many a marketing director’s dream!  As visions of skyrocketing sales figures appear, the legal team reviewing the food label might give reason for pause. A formal definition for the term ‘natural’ was not part of FDA’s 1993 Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (NLEA). However, an FDA policy from that same year […]

American Dietetic Association Reveals New Name

On September 30, 2011, in Education, by admin

At the opening session of the American Dietetic Association’s (ADA’s) 2011 annual Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo on September 24, President Sylvia A. Escott-Stump announced that the organization will be changing its name as of January of 2012.   In existence since 1917 and almost 100 years old, the ADA will now be called […]


FDA Reopens Comment Period on Proposed Gluten-Free Legislation

On August 5, 2011, in Education, Food Manufacturers, by admin

During a teleconference on August 2, 2011 FDA announced that it is reopening the comment period for the proposed rules on gluten-free food labeling. These measures are being taken to ensure that individuals with Celiac Disease can rely on a standard definition when posed with products using a gluten-free statement. In January of 2007 FDA […]


MyPlate Serves-Up Opportunities for the Food Industry

On June 9, 2011, in Education, by admin

A new symbol for good nutrition was unveiled by First Lady Michelle Obama on June 2, 2011. Replacing the Food Guide Pyramid, the USDA created a plate format to highlight the components of a healthful diet. The plate is split into four sections, representing fruits, vegetables, grains and proteins. A smaller circle sits off to […]


Proposed Menu and Vending Machine Labeling Regulations: The Basics

On April 24, 2011, in Education, Restaurants, by admin

Uniform nutrition labeling is becoming a reality. On April 1, 2011 the FDA issued two proposed regulations regarding menu and vending machine nutrition labeling requirements.  The regulations would create nationwide standards and take precedence over the varied state and local labeling laws that currently exist. Who Would be Covered? Restaurants or similar retail food establishments […]


What the Food Industry Should Know: Breaking Down the Newly Released 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans – SODIUM

On March 6, 2011, in Education, by admin

A “shake-down” has recently occurred in the world of nutrition advice. While the 2010 Dietary Guidelines support previous recommendations of no more than 2,300 milligrams sodium daily – about 1 teaspoon of salt – for most people, the Guidelines now recommend reducing daily sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams – a little more than a half […]